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Publisher: Port Said University, Faculty of Education
Address: Port Said University, Faculty of Education, Port Said, Egypt
Email: shdesoky@edu.psu.edu.eg
Aims and Scope
Port Said Journal of Educational Research (PSJER) endeavours to secure a place within the leading journals in education by (i) driving forward research in the field of Education by providing high-quality peer-reviewed research papers for academics, researchers, and policy decision-makers; and (ii) building a robust literature base about academic advising and its relationship to student learning and success in education through the publication of rigorous empirical, theoretical, and philosophical works
Port Said Journal of Educational Research (PSJER)seeks to (i) efficiently and promptly publish rigorous and accessible research papers that will help educators, researchers, and teachers in their daily work, lifelong learning, and career development; (ii) be at the forefront of the international debate on all aspects of education, (iii) be among the world’s most influential and widely read education journals
Publishing academic peer-reviewed research that contributes to the development of education
Publishing the latest research papers that serve the society and stress the importance of environmental sustainability
Creating influence on the academic as well as corporate thinkers to provide opportunities for discussion and exchange of ideas across a wide spectrum of scholarly opinions
Creating a foreign-language academic database that is specialized in the fields of educational research to form a reference unit for researchers
Promoting theoretical, empirical, and comparative research on problems confronting the future life
About Journal
Port Said Journal of Educational Research (PSJER) is published by Faculty of Education, Port Said University. The main purpose of the PSJER is to publish original research articles pertaining to all fields of Education across all ages and educational levels (kindergarten, primary, middle, secondary, and university)
PSJER’s editorial board has as its primary mission which is the development of the journal into an eminent international journal in educational research. The editorial board’s vision is to see PSJER one of the key scholarly resources in the pool of distinguished journals around the globe. The Journal accepts manuscripts submitted for publication in English language
The Journal offers 2 issues each calendar year, in January and July, the two issues constituting one volume
رابط المجلة العلمية لكلية التربية على موقع بنك المعرفة المصري
تتبنى المجلة القواعد المعمول بها بجامعة بورسعيد فيما يختص بقواعد ضبط الاقتباس والانتحال.